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WOOCS v.2.3.7

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Purveyors of Fine Historic Arts

Lord of Battles is a leading manufacturer/exporter of historical replicas, bringing forth the art and craft of bygone ages to the contemporary world.

Known the world over for our broad range of replica armor, weapons, and accessories, Lord of Battles also produces a strong line of gift-wear, souvenirs and miniatures. Our reputation for quality and reliability has long been recognized by the film and theater industry. We have supplied to most of the top historical and fantasy films of the last 15 years.

We invite you to peruse our website, marvel at what we make available to you and make sure to enjoy these finest creations more than we do!



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Go to our section of historical helmets.



Visit our section of horns and tankards



Pictures From Shows and Events

Kings and Queens recreate chivalric foot tournaments of the Nobility and Knights in all their splendor and glory. Leap into the fray or simply enjoy the spectacle!

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-08 at 6.57.10 PM

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